
Frequently Asked Questions

What translation of the Bible do you use?

Unfortunately Bible translations are tricky. All of the modern well-know translations are copyright and pretty strict about using verses from their translations. The only modern public domain Bible translation I know about is the World English Bible (WEB). However, I find that the verses in this translation can be awkward or confusing. For example Psalm 150:6: “Let everything that has breath praise Yah! Praise Yah!”. I therefore start with the WEB translation as a base and work from there. If the WEB works well, I’ll use it as it is. If it is awkward or strange, I’ll look at other translations and change a few words in a way that I think is faithful to the text and doesn’t break any copyright. I’m not a Bible scholar or teacher or anything like that. (I’m not a prophet nor the son of a prophet.) This is not ideal, I know. Hopefully I’ll be able to work something better out in the future. Also remember that each scribble has editable Microsoft Word documents, so you can make changes.

Can I share an account?

No, please don’t. I have free content for everyone, and content for members. 

Can you do <insert Bible verse> next?

I don’t have the capacity to do requests. However, sending me a message may sway me. Also remember that each scribble has editable Microsoft Word documents.

Why don’t you do colour-by-numbers, cross words or ….?

I don’t have the capacity to do all these things at the moment. However, feel free to let me know what you’d like to see on the site in the future.



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